Daniela Iraschko-Stolz: Two-time Winter Universiade champion and women’s ski jumping trailblazer

| Allgemein | Universiaden

Die Winteruniversiade Innsbruck-Seefeld 2005 war ein Meilenstein in der Schisprung-Geschichte für Frauen. Es war das erste internationale Wintersportgroßevent, bei dem es eine eigene Wertung im Skispringen für Frauen gegeben hat (bei den Olympischen Spielen erstmals 2014 in Sochi).

Daniela Iraschko-Stolz hat die erste goldene Medaille bei der Winteruniversiade in Innsbruck 2005 „ersprungen“ und gleich anschließend in Turin 2007 ihren Studentinnen-Weltmeister-Titel verteidigt.

“My studies were close with the first student Olympic Games because I had just finished school before in that summer,” Iraschko-Stolz said, about her time training and studying in Innsbruck. “It was great because in Turin the whole Austrian team had a hotel, Physios, doctors and trainers, and also people from the International Olympic Committee and National Olympic Committee were coming there,” she said. “You also met a lot of other sportsmen and sportswomen. For a student Olympic Games, it had more of an Olympic spirit. You lived like an Olympian there.”

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Photos: courtesy of International Olympic Games
Interview by Brian Pinelli